what was the one economic motive weegy. Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific,. what was the one economic motive weegy

Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific,what was the one economic motive weegy  0 Answers/Comments

Colonialism is defined as “control by one power over a dependent area or people. For a wave of imperialism to come about requires one of three possible scenarios: Adequate means are at hand and an increase in the motives triggers the event; sufficient motives exist and new means come into play which bring about the event; or, finally, both the motives and the means change, and both lead to the event. Russia and Great Britain claimed that they had no imperialistic motives when they entered World War II. (2) easy access to natural resources. The one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization was the acquisition of raw materials. B. This paper sheds light on these questions by examining foot-binding, a representative. Question and answer. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. What were some key motives for Europeans during the Age of Exploration? Some key motives for Europeans during the Age of Exploration was they wanted to find a new sea route to Asia, they wanted knowledge, they wanted to spread Christianity, they wanted wealth and glory, and they wanted spices. Weegy: The middle class did not benefit greatly from the Industrial Revolution. Christian Crusaders' failures created a European interest in Asia and the Middle East. 1 Economic Motives. 1908–1912Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. economic-motive requirement would protect too much with respect to First Amendment interests, since it would keep RICO from reaching ideological entities whose members. C. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth century colonization. psychological d. Harpers Ferry Raid, (October 16–18, 1859), assault by an armed band of abolitionists led by John Brown on the federal armoury located at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now in West Virginia). The main aim of the command economy is to create peace, equality within the society. Weegy: The time a woodworker puts into carving a table would be a human resource in terms of the factors of production. D. The profit motive is important to a market economy because it A. User: What was one of the factors that motivated nations to abolish slavery?Weegy: Slavery was no longer profitable -was one of the factors that motivated nations to abolish slavery. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. Log in for more information. The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, [ and Social Darwinism. Others, however, truly. , 1/1) Changing the day will navigate the page to that given day in. Question |Asked. Mercantilism is an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy. Score . Acquisition of raw materials What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. Lack of voting rights O D. Therefore, the summary should be about the three important uses of sugar. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. User: How can the events leading to the independence of Brazil be described Weegy: The events leading to the independence of Brazil can best be described as: It was an organized effort to establish a new democracy. Acquisition of raw materials . 9399 User: What did enlightment thinker Cesare Beccaria argue about crime and punishment? What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. precautionary c. The growth of slavery B. Economic systems differ from one another based on who own the factors of production and: A. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. “Anything in life can serve as an idol, or a counterfeit god. 1 pt. Log in for more information. It has, above all, the strength of intellectual honesty. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization?. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth- century colonization? The growth of slavery OB. B) democracy to enslaved peoples. The principle that limited amounts of goods and services are available to meet unlimited wants. Acquisition of raw materials . The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, [ and Social Darwinism. Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. Jozeal. Lack of the profit motive • C. One necessary condition that characterized this New Imperialism, often overlooked, is technological. charging higher interest. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. ”Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like For economists, the word "utility" means A. Profit motive definition. By 1600, Spain had reaped substantial monetary benefits from New World resources. User: Generally speaking, the means of production in a market economy are Weegy: Generally speaking, the means of production in a market economy are owned. Economy . B. Acquisition of raw materials C. Women’s suffrage, the right of women by law to vote in national or local elections. User: What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. Hale’s declaration that “women are used to worrying over trifles. Which of the following is an example of how economic motives helped spread European Imperialism? A. … Tibet, Tibet Tibet has. This view no doubt served many as merely a cover for baser motives. 5. True. Which of the following is an accurate statement. Raw materials B. 1 1C) Explain ONE way in which the French Revolution. The profit motive is a basic assumption of economics whereby. Indeed, economic motives—OPEC working as a presumably imperfect business cartel—provide a much better description of actual behavior since its. Spain claimed and settled Mexico, most of Central and South America, several islands in the Caribbean, and what are now Florida, California, and the Southwest region of the United States. encourages people to open businesses and invent new products. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 6. The supply of precious metals was finite, and monarchs hoped to find large deposits of gold and silver in the Americas. Social DarwinismThe humanistic perspective rose to prominence in the mid-20th century in response to psychoanalytic theory and behaviorism; this perspective focuses on how healthy people develop and emphasizes an individual’s inherent drive towards self-actualization and creativity. 9399 User: One of the factors that helped the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its Weegy: One of the factors that led to the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its Rich deposits of [ coal. Economic uncertainty Footnote 1 is an inescapable element of the upshot of unknown unknowns about future economic events. User: What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. The government decides the means of production and owns the. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Raw materials were the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Enterprise motive Government motive Sales motive Profit motive . Score 1. Added 1/6/2022 12:08:13 PM. The correct option is C. Acquisition of raw materials . ChaCha performs this function faster and better, apparently vetting its participants with greater care. A significant cause of the Great Depression was that: a. Weegy: Vermeer is one of the best-known Dutch Baroque. Chien-lung, Chien-lung Ch'ien-lung (1711-1799) was the fourth emperor of the Ch'ing, or Manchu, dynasty in China. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth- century colonization? The growth of slavery OB. personal decision making with regard to investments. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals D. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. One reason is that exploration and conquest could lead to great wealth. DTCs are how the J-1939 (in heavy-duty vehicles) and OBD-II (light-duty vehicles) indicate the on-board problems. AI-generated answer. Weegy: The Manhattan Project was the top-secret project tasked with developing atomic weapons in the United States. Weegy: Western Europe- Medieval Europe was divided up into small kingdoms ruled by kings who often fought against one another and these kingdoms were often based on common cultures, [ while Eastern Europe- Byzantine Empire was ruled by the Eastern Roman Empire, later referred to as the Byzantine Empire, who had a ruling. The growth of slavery C. personal ownership of property. Some argued that the emerging middle class, especially in Britain, believed that slavery didn't really help them economically. Aside from the possibility of treasure, the European governments aimed to find a passage through the Americas to Asia. economic opportunity. Score . ”. D. How might feelings of nationalism motivate countries to dominate other countries or regions. B: Planning is fundamentally a process to manage risk. Advertisement. For 300 years, the causes of the Salem witch trials have been hotly debated. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth. Social responsibility is in conflict with profit motive of business. (corsets and foot-binding) while others persist (FGM and high dowries in India), one may wonder about the origins of gender-biased social norms, as well as the institutional and economic factors that determine their emergence, persistence, and disappearance. The primary motives of European explorers were economic. 64 square inches C. Weegy: If a client's knees hurt after a one-week walking regimen, Jog in a swimming pool is most appropriate. To Lenin, the provisional government was a “dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. By the end of the war, Chinese workers would rank as the largest and longest-serving non-European contingent in World War I. These mechanisms will kick in immediately to soften the swings of the business cycle, even if policymakers can't act quickly. During this period of industrial revolution, the colonies wanted cheap labor for their. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth- century colonization? The growth of slavery OB. Question. Comments. The first country to give women the right to vote was New Zealand (1893). Other Native Americans joined the British side and fought to defeat the American invasion of. sole intention of producers is to make profit. allows the government to collect extra in taxes. Acquisition of raw materials C. 0. 9826. Both are taking into account the benefits of a choice, given the costs. S. ] Score . The summary will be "There are three main uses of sugar in ancient India, it was used as medicine, it was used during rituals, and it was eaten as a snack. New answers. Communism everywhere has paid the price of rigidity and dogmatism. What was the greatest economic motive Weegy: The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, and Social Darwinism. " Tap a man's pocketbook and you strike a gusher in the field of human motivation. The Puritans who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony intended to set up a society that would accord with what they believed to be God’s wishes. Weegy: China's motive in joining World War I alongside the Allies was that they hoped to drive Japan out of mainland China. demand deposits c. economic system that relies on tradition, custom, or ritual to decide questions of production and consumption of goods and services. A free market economy is one where. [ ]What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. Sigmund Freud’s Eros and Thanatos theory, also known as the theory of life and death drives, evolved throughout his life and career. According to Figure 26-1, during which of the following periods were the values of Japanese imports and exports about the same? a. The Crucible Exam. That's exactly what makes acceptance such a powerful buyers motivation. The first European countries to begin colonizing the Americas were Spain and Portugal. Weegy: Absolute monarchy was predominant in pre-revolutionary Europe. Acquisition of raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. This provides one economic explanation of Saudi Arabia’s moderating role. 1 1A) Describe ONE motive Ferry offers for imperial expansion in the period 1750-1900 other can an economic motive. Rating. Acquisition of raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. One of the significant impacts of the scientific revolution is that it resulted in developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry. encourages people to open businesses and invent new products. There are no new answers. 1. Impulsiveness is to self-control as. 1 C Explain one way in which state interactions in the period 1450-1750 had an impact on different cultures. Weegy. C. The ideas of Social Darwinism D. The violence and scale of the transatlantic slave trade seems to exceed any other known instance of slavery in history. It was a main precipitating incident to the American Civil War. 9/22/2023 8:04:04 PM| 4 Answers. He was the second of three children in a. Commercialization B. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. an arrangement that allows buyers and sellers to exchange things. is the embryo of a tornado which will burst on the countries on both shores. Profit motive is a characteristic of free market economies, where the. DTCs help you understand what the problem is, solve that problem quickly, and get back on the road. User: 0. Weegy: You never join a gym the first time you visit because - You need a chance to reevaluate your reasons for deciding to join a gym. They hoped to ally with the United States and become a global power. The growth of slavery Question and answer. The growth of slavery D. The motives that spur human beings to examine their environment are many. Undertaking business involves assuming risk. One might reasonably expect that Bent's substantial economic stake, combined. Question. ] Score . Log in for more information. Acquisition of raw materials B. Lest we forget, WSL 2 introduces important changes such as a real Linux kernel and more. This variety suggests that each nation pursues research to address its own set of needs, and that these needs reflect a variety of motives, only one of which is the economic motive. User: Which element of the treaty of Versailles exacerbated the Great Depression globally. Motives or desires in economic activities can arise from within (intrinsic) and can also be due to the influence of the environment (extrinsic). Intrinsic Motive ; namely the motives that arise in a person. Acquisition of raw materials . What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization. Acquisition of raw materials C. In 1839, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, France, and Prussia (the largest predecessor of the German Empire) had signed the Treaty of London which guaranteed. . ”. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals B. User: Caregivers should promote children's active play and participate in children's active games at times when they can safely do so by Weegy: Caregivers should promote children's active play and participate in children. Score . Historians generally recognize three motives for European exploration and colonization in the New World: God, gold, and glory. "From wants for goods and services arises the so called economic motives—the desire for wealth. Weegy: If a client's knees hurt after a one-week walking regimen, Jog in a swimming pool is most appropriate. Log in for more information. 166). encourages consumers to buy more products. Peters, George Henderson (The. 160 square inches B. The profit motive is a critical function of the existing economic framework, affecting several aspects of purchasing and selling. Profit motive can also be construed as the underlying reason why a taxpayer or company participates in. Initially, he described a class of drives known as life instincts that he believed were responsible for much of our behavior. People are social creatures, we all want to belong to various groups and cliques. Base your answer to the following question on the speakers’ statements below and on your knowledge of social studies. Importing manufactured goods O C. president to be born west of the Mississippi River. Impelled by necessity or lured by profit, people moved from province to province. 18, 1915, the Japanese government secretly presented to Yuan the Twenty-one. How much. During the 19th century, one effect of European imperialism on Africa. In the early 1900s, Al Capone was a. Explanation:In the nineteenth century, many European countries began to colonize and imperialize foreign lands for various reasons. 9399 User: The changeover to an industrialized economy led to Weegy: The changeover to an industrialized economy led to a: Shift of population to urban centers. Athens economy was dependent more upon trade. Ethical motivation to CSR: A company issues a CSR policy because it. European colonial administrations approached economic policies in a short-sighted and exploitative manner that led to the creation of mono-economies that lacked elements of diversification. Score . Marshall Plan: The Marshall Plan was a U. User: What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization?Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. Lenin began plotting an overthrow of the Provisional Government. Raw materials C. Rice would cease being profitable. C. Idealism and. 9399 User: One of the factors that helped the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its Weegy: One of the factors that led to the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its Rich deposits of [ coal. Then, on Jan. Question. Hence, it aligns with Adam Smith’s invisible hand theory and contributes to the unseen force that moves. org What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization. It characterized the Intolerable Acts as an assault on colonial liberties, rejected British attempts to. Weegy: A decimal number is a number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point. The market economy often neglects to put a price on the things that we value the most. The growth of slavery B. User: MLA style requires a header on each page that's located how far from the top of the page? A. User: The cultural motive for European imperialism in the 1800s was the spread of Question 13 options: A) civilization to "backward" peoples. User: What was the greatest economic motives behind 19th century colonization Weegy: The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in Asia, the chance to enhance European nations' prestige, the opening of the Suez Canal, the results of the Berlin Conference, [ and Social Darwinism. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. 5 facts you need to understand the new global order. It includes the topics that become neutral after the discussion of its issues or topics under it. In other words, economic motives can come from oneself or intervention from the outside environment. ”. The Great Leap Forward was an economic and social campaign within the People's Republic of China (PRC) from 1958 to 1962, led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Capitalism Mark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page. Great Leap Forward, in Chinese history, the campaign undertaken by the Chinese communists between 1958 and early 1960 to organize its vast population, especially in large-scale rural communes, to meet China’s industrial and agricultural problems. 1 1A) Describe ONE motive Ferry offers for imperial expansion in the period 1750-1900 other can an economic motive. Added 12/21/2020 5:17:14 AM. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. As the Depression worsened and millions of families lost their jobs and depleted their savings, they also lost their homes. What is one way the Constitution protects the free enterprise system? It recognizes private property rights. Score . The Transatlantic Slave Trade. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which instrument family plays the scherzo theme at the begining of the third movement of Beethoven's Symphony No. These motives helped great empires expand their territory and brought new cultures and languages to both the colonised countries and the countries colonising them. resulted in the death and disappearance of many. 2. Weegy: China's motive in joining World War I alongside the Allies was that they hoped to drive Japan out of mainland China. , 6. 9399 User: The changeover to an industrialized economy led to Weegy: The changeover to an industrialized economy led to a: Shift of population to urban centers. 956 What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization?. there is one and only one responsibility of business — to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profit so long as it stays within the rules of the game. What was China's motive in joining World War I alongside the Allies? A. Question and answer. China's motive in joining World War I alongside the Allies was that they hoped to drive Japan out of mainland China. How did Japan react to the economic impact of the Great Depression? A. (4) cultural differences between ethnic groups. Acquisition of raw materials What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? weegy;. marginal cost. Overview. ”. Weegy: The profit motive is important to a market economy because it encourages people to open businesses and invent new products. It was laid out by U. Log in for more information. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. D. Score 1Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. Fewer farmers were needed to produce enough food for the country's population. He is first very trendly with Ivan, but he becomes frustrated with Ivan over time. Therefore it drives us to break rules we once honored to harm others, even ourselves, in order to get it. utility. The growth of slavery B. Gross Domestic Product . Which motive listed below did Keynes not identify? a. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth -century colonization? A. Conflict in Asia began well before the official start of World War II. pleasure or satisfaction. Explorers reported home about the riches and fertile lands found during their travels, claiming these territories for the. If one accepts this position, then our inability to propose a de nitive identi cation strategy to estimate he causal e ect of colonialism on development" turns out to be less of a problem. Although there were ancient public relations—as far in the past as ancient Greece—modern-day public relations in the United States began with a group of revolutionaries mounting a public relations campaign to turn public opinion in favor of independence from England and King George. Updated 6/29/2021 1:09:39 AM. Weegy: Rapid gain or loss of body fat is the sole. Post thoughts, events, experiences, and milestones, as you travel along the path that is uniquely yours. Profit motive, open oppurtunity, legal equality, private property rights, free contract, voluntary exchange, competition. D. What was the greatest economic motive. We identified three distinct accounts of intrinsic motivation in economics and demonstrated how they differ in. There were immeasurable economic benefits, too, and though the very. The ideas of Social Darwinism B. Terms in this set (21) Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 4. remained similar to what it was during the colonial period. civilization to "backward" peoples. Weegy: Depending on the incident size and complexity, various types of support facilities. ) [We refer the reader to the following video performance for the ensuing discussion: Gardiner conducts Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique. It decreases production costs for businesses in exchange for them agreeing to lower their prices to consumers. A command economy is a system in which the government rules the economy but in favor of the public. Justin Ho May 17, 2022. Weegy: The cultural motive for European imperialism in the 1800s was the spread of civilization to "backward". I –nd that US optimal tari⁄s average 60 percent, world trade war tari⁄s average 58 percent, the welfare losses from a breakdown of international trade policy cooperation average 3. Question|Asked by Tee0317. The adoption of Enlightenment ideals What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth-century colonization? A. The first industry to industrialize in Great Britan was the Textile Industry. Radical Republican, during and after the American Civil War, a member of the Republican Party committed to emancipation of the slaves and later to the equal treatment and enfranchisement of the freed blacks. B. 05 × 1. The greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth century colonization were trading privileges in. Importing manufactured goods O C. Four years later, the first plant to serve a system of private and commercial customers was opened in Wisconsin, USA, and within a decade, hundreds of hydropower plants were in operation. ] The first movement begins with the characteristic “fate motive” (0:00-0:07). Weegy: Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking much more specific,. The tyranny of Communism is as old as the Pharaohs and the Pyramids - that the State stands above all men and their individual aspirations. The primary focus of the traders is on economic a. User: Which of the following would be a human resource in terms of the factors of production? Question 7 options: A) Wood to make a table B) The money used to purchase supplies to build a table C) A hammer and saw used to construct a table D). The Holocaust was the culmination of a number of factors over a number of years. 123 × 0. The three main motives of the Age of Exploration were "God, Glory and Gold". Commercializatign D. Commercialization B. B. It increases the cost of production for businesses in the long term, but it does not impact them in the short term. 8988 User: Which of the following is a potential. Align individual economic interests with company performance - Okay, so this first one isn't quite as easy as the. The Catholic Counter-Reformation embodied in the Council of Trent rededicated the Catholic Church to its essential religious mission. life expectancy, however, one cannot generally say colonialism was good or bad independent of context. Still others loved the idea of an adventure in new places. Find the full lesson plan here. Importing manufactured goods Raw materials were the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. New Imperialism vs. Published August 20, 2023. Diplomatsruthi. 9399What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth century colonization . The right to earn a profit based on individual effort. Civil Engineering. 1. 9399 Weegy: Raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth -century colonization? A. 956What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth century colonization Acquisition of raw materials was the greatest economic motive behind the nineteenth-century colonization. " However, economic instability has been. cellulite. The introduction of reforms to promote democracy . 6. What was the one economic motive behind nineteenth- century colonization? The growth of slavery OB. 2 The Rise of a Global Economy; 6. The growth of slavery B. C. greed. The economy revolved around farming villages and towns, rather than major urban centers. Click the card to flip 👆. In the August 17, 1982, U. Anthony Downs, in one of the earliest public choice books, An Economic Theory of Democracy, pointed out that the voter is largely ignorant of political issues and that this ignorance is rational.